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Wild Over Wildlife provides a forever home to abused, surrendered, or abandoned exotic animals.  Food, vet bills, and bedding costs are quite high.  


We are a 501c3 non-profit charity. We are completely funded out of pocket and through the generosity of our club members.  Donations also support outside presentations in an effort to further educate the children on exotic animals.  


We are continually working on our TNR (trap-neuter-return) program for feral cat colonies in an attempt to prevent further overpopulation. For $17, the cats are spayed / neutered and receive a rabies vaccine before being released back to their colonies after recuperating from surgery.  




Sadly, many animals arrive at the WOW! Club in poor health.  To date, we have no help from any exotic veterinarian and bills can rapidly mount overnight.  We never choose to euthanize an animal who can be saved and have a good quality of life, nor do we allow finances to determine an animal's course of treatment.


Support is tremendously appreciated. Your tax-deductible donation can be mailed to:


Wild Over Wildlife

3500 Vista Park

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308


© 2023 by Kids Charity. Proudly created with

For more information,

call Dana:


Find us: 

Wild Over Wildlife

3500 Vista Park

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308


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